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Dragon Boat Festival A Festive Celebration In Taiwan

Dragon Boat Festival: A Festive Celebration in Taiwan

Historical Significance and Cultural Practices

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Double Fifth Festival, is a significant annual event in Taiwan. It falls on the fifth day of May according to the lunar calendar, and it is a time for celebration, traditional practices, and remembrance. The festival commemorates the life and death of the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan, who is believed to have drowned himself in the Miluo River.

Celebratory Activities in Taiwan

During the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan, people engage in several traditional activities. Dragon boat racing, a popular tradition, is held across the island. Teams paddle long, decorated boats to the rhythm of drums, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. Other activities include:
  • Eating zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves
  • Hanging mugwort and calamus leaves on doors and windows to repel insects and evil spirits
  • Participating in cultural performances, such as lion dances and acrobatic shows

Contact Information for Registration

For more information on registration and events related to the Dragon Boat Festival, you can contact:

MrLiu: 02-8792-2885 ext829

Significance of the Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival holds cultural and historical significance for the people of Taiwan. It serves as a time to remember their heritage, celebrate traditions, and honor the memory of Qu Yuan. The festival's festive atmosphere and vibrant activities create a memorable experience for both locals and visitors alike.
